Corporate and Commercial

The firm provides assistance to emerging companies and business enterprises through all the stages from formation to registration before the diverse national services. It can also be a matter of restructuring through mergers and acquisitions, agreements of asset sale and share purchase, joint venture, and licensing when legally required.
The firm also advises on all aspect of corporate governance and legal issues relating to company management.
The firm has large knowledge on commercial rules and provides excellent advises on drafting and negotiating commercial contracts, risk management through mortgages, legally dealing with bankrupt and insolvency, debt collection, competition and guidance through all the stages of their transactions for consistent deals outcomes.
The firm advises on the secured way to conduct transactions, in the country as well as across the borders through import and export.
The firm assists also for special commercial activities that require licensing such as mining, telecoms, banking services and financial transactions. This may start with legal due diligence investigations for such international clients and foreigner investors who may be granted of derogatory measures like tax advantages for some investments deemed prior for the country. (By the way, find here the highlights of the new system of national development.)
Related legal instruments :
- Company Code, 2011
- Commercial Code, 2015
- Revised Investment Code, 2021
- Income Tax Code, 2020;
- VTA law, 2020
- Industrial Property law, 2009
- Bankruptcy, 2015
- Trader insolvency law,
- Civil Code Book I (people & family, 1993), Book II (movable & immovable property, 2011) and Book III (contracts, liability & obligations, 1888)